The Warrior and the Halfenwraith


A semi-short historical/fantasy about a half-human, half goddess (A Halfenwraith) goes looking for a human hero to marry. Takes place in a mythical Viking-like world.

Her smile at my ire was both radiant and forgiving — and her words made me ashamed of my anger. “For years now, Thorgi Odinson, I have heard your wonderful tales of bravery, honour and love. They are sung in rich men’s halls, poor men’s hovels and everywhere else in between. Your stories of honest folk striving against cruel, greedy lords, grasping women and a world that seems not to care have touched the hearts of thousands — mine included. Your tales of lasting love, truthfulness, loyalty, the joy of children and the ache of loss have made me long to experience such a life for myself!”
In her intensity she took a step closer to me, allowing me to feel the heat she radiated. “I want what your stories offer, Thorgi! Not just to hear then, but to live them! I want a partner that I can truly share my life with, through all the good and the bad that the fates hurl in our path! I want to trust that his kisses are only for me and in turn to be faithful to him alone!”
There came another pause and her voice lowered to a whisper. “And even if, as in your great tragedy, ‘Deirdra & Desonder’, an early grave awaits both my mate and myself, I would still know such a love before I die!”
Then her strong right hand reached out and took my aged and wrinkled one. “I have travelled far to find you, master scald. Not just in distance, but in Time itself. Please, help me in my quest.”
And like many an old fool that stood before a beautiful young woman, I could not refuse her. “Have you a special type of man in mind, lady? A handsome prince? A great warrior? A wise king perhaps?”
Swanhild stood up then, her raven-feathered cloak seemed to wrap itself around her like shadows at midnight, and she was once again the fierce shield maiden, daughter of Brunhild Fairhair and granddaughter of Skaig Coldheart.
“Over the long years I have known many men, Thorgi, and I now find that I have had my fill of handsome princes and brave warriors, for both types proved to be more in love with themselves than with me. As for marrying a wise king, they seem to be harder to come by than dragon’s teeth!”
Smiling, I bowed to her wry wit. “You already have someone in mind then, my lady?”
She turned and fixed me with those mysterious eyes of hers — eyes that even a dried up old stick like me could be moved by. “Of course I do, Thorgi. I know exactly who I want marry — Eric the Red’s eldest son, the hero Leif Ericson! I just need your help in getting him to want to marry me.”
I snorted out a laugh. “You have little to fear there, my lady, for no man could resist your beauty. And even if he could, your glamours could easily ensnare him.”

MORE pages to follow: click the page numbers below!
Since retiring from teaching English and history I’ve written a number of E-books on a wide variety of topics. Action/adventure, sci-fi, speculative and historical fiction, children stories and rewrites of several classics from the ‘main character’s perspective.
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