The Warrior and the Halfenwraith


A semi-short historical/fantasy about a half-human, half goddess (A Halfenwraith) goes looking for a human hero to marry. Takes place in a mythical Viking-like world.

Erlot barked out a course laugh as he swept his eyes hungrily over Swanhild. “You want to marry her?! I always thought you somewhat less of a fool than your father was — but I can see now that I was wrong! Why buy the cow when you can simply take the milk for free?!”
Halfdain replied with a cold smile of his own and a voice filled with disgust. “You yourself have just proven my third reason, ‘Lord’ Erlot —for only a brutish pig like you would think he has the right to force any woman against her will! As for my father being a ‘fool’, you mistake ‘duty and honour’ for ‘foolishness’ — two things a rutting pig like you would know little about!”
The hall, having already gone quiet, now was as silent as a grave! Erlot blinked several times, then flew into a sudden rage. Rising up quickly he knocked over the wolf throne, sending it and his long axe to the floor. Grabbing his belt knife, he pointed the blade directly at Halfdain. “Go and arm yourself, pup, and meet me outside — if you have the balls! I’ll soon show you ‘honour’! I’ll carve you up like a Yuletide goose!” His massive arm moved and the knife now pointed at Swanhild. “Then I’ll hump this dark-haired bitch using your blood soaked body as a bed!”
Halfdain held the larger man’s fierce gaze. “Your days of raping women and terrorizing unarmed peasants are over, Lord Pig! I’ll wait for you to drink another cup of courage and stagger outside.” He then turned and strode towards the door, planning to retrieve his sword and wait for Erlot to come out. Half-way there Swanhild stepped in front of him. I, like a hound on the scent of a good story, followed in her wake.
“You don’t have to do this!” she said firmly, a touch of desperation in her voice. “We can both leave right now. I can make a glamour to hide us. We can escape — together!”
“I’ll not run from that pig!” Halfdain growled. “Because of my father I was honour-bound to serve him, and I have, faithfully. But this is too much! He’ll not lay his filthy hands on you!”
“But I can cast a spell over him! Make him forget what you told him!” She was pleading now but Halfdain held firm. He reached out and gripped Swanhild’s arm and pulled her close.
“Maybe you can, lass, and maybe he would forget — but I never will! There’s only one way we live through this. Only one way we can be together— I have to kill him!”
“Then I’ll do something to make him slow and confused!” she said, her words now coming like chipped ice.”You can kill him easily and we’ll both be safe!”
His hand on her arm tightened. “That you will not do! I may be an oathbreaker, but I’m not a murderer — and neither are you! I’ll fight him face to face, kill him cleanly and then we’ll leave!”
He meant to walk past her, but now it was she who held him back, her words whispered and shy. “Halfdain, did you mean what you said — about wanting to marry me?”

MORE pages to follow: click the page numbers below!
Since retiring from teaching English and history I’ve written a number of E-books on a wide variety of topics. Action/adventure, sci-fi, speculative and historical fiction, children stories and rewrites of several classics from the ‘main character’s perspective.
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