The Train Romance

That airplane up above me
may as well be stationary.
Same with the traffic,
even the long-haul trucks.

In my mind,
they’re not going anywhere,
are as stationary
as a bicycle in a gym.

None of them is a distant train.
They don’t rumble,
click-clack on steel tracks.
They just don’t have

that long haunting whistle in them.
Where’s the romance in a bus?
The one that rumbles by
says it’s going to New York.

But no voice cries, “All aboard!”
Who’d want to board it anyhow?


Train tracks with sun just above horizon


John Grey is an Australian poet, US resident. Recently published in Front Range Review, Studio One and Columbia Review with work upcoming in Naugatuck River Review, Abyss and Apex and Midwest Quarterly.
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