“Dear friends, the enviable task befalls me today to
conclude this little jamboree with the voices of our
beloved sopranos, the queen and Lavenna. Enjoy.”
There is raucous applause. The queen sings a melodious aria followed by Lavenna. Then both join forces to sing a duet from a very famous musical. After many shouts of “more” they return to sing two encores. When everyone has exhausted their lungs Celeborn returns to centre stage.
“Dear friends, an afternoon of splendiferous treasures.
Each to their several desserts have we enjoyed.
The company we’ve encountered by accident or design
has enriched our discourse.
Kind gentles, as each to their respective callings return.
Let this intercourse here prove a sweet reward to our
endeavours and an inspiration for our future. I wish you
all a fond adieu.”
With that he slithers off stage.
So ends our foray into the ethereal. I trust your imagination has been whetted, your encounter with the fairy kingdom ennobled. May your wanderings be as diverse as our desserts dictate and, as time and tide afford, enrich another such encounter where we can continue our masquerade of the fairy kingdom. I, too wish you a fond adieu.