The Enchanted Island

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Chapter Five.

Back on land the king and queen are enjoying afternoon tea when a goblin rushes up and shouts, “A ship has been spotted on the horizon, dear king.”


“It could be Trudii!?” says the queen excitedly.

“Well, launch a welcoming party, and let me know immediately if it’s our trio.”

Six ships sail near. All eyes fix on the horizon and soon widen in fear at the sight of Drakon. But all the ship’s occupants stand and shout, “Don’t worry. Come on over, Drakon won’t hurt you.”

As the ship nears the harbour, the shoreline fills with well-wishers, including their majesties and the monastery occupants. Trudii disembarks, holding the golden sword, followed by Drakon. Trudii and the creature walk to confront the king and queen. Trudii kneels and proclaims, “Dear King and Queen, allow me to introduce the hero of the day without whose help my arrival would have been a wake, not a celebration. We owe a debt of gratitude to this creature that can never be repaid.” At this, the king and queen and all the inhabitants bow in reverent respect.

Drakon shouts, “Thank you, dear friends, it was a pleasure.”

“Are you going be around for the festivities that will take place next Saturday afternoon?”

“I’ll definitely be here, your majesty.” As he is about to leave, Lavenna the high priestess steps forward. Putting a hand on either side of his face and giving him a parting blessing, she says, “Thank you for everything you’ve done.”

“My pleasure, dear priestess.” With that, he returns to the ocean.

Saturday rolls around and the entire kingdom fills the shoreline, everyone wanting a glimpse of Drakon. The king and queen, the priestesses and priests, Celeborn and of course the pride of lions are all seated in solemn quietude awaiting their honoured quest. All of a sudden, the ocean parts and the colossus of the deep meanders unto the sand. Everyone rises, more out of fear than anything else, and claps their hands. Lavenna walks over, places her hands on his head, blesses him, and thanks him for coming.

The festivities begin with the singing of their sacred anthem, Ave Verum Corpus. Everyone rises to their feet and holds hands. Drakon joins in the best he can. This is followed by the wedding ceremony. The king stands and shouts, “Will all the parties come forward.”

When Trudii stands before the king and queen, he says, “Dear king, may I ask Drakon to be best man?”

The king and queen look at one another and smile. “I guess so.” replies the king.

Trudii turns to Drakon. “Will you be my best man?”

There is a whisper of laughter throughout the audience as Drakon steps forward.

Levenna the head priestess confronts the young couple. “Trudii, you have truly earned your prize and it is with great pleasure the king and queen and I join you and Matilda in blissful matrimony. You may kiss the bride.”

MORE pages to follow: click the page numbers below!
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