Soldier of the Tsar


Soldier of the Tsar


Edward Redekop served the Tsar

Before a peasant could own a car

In Russia he could not go far

Yet Edward served the Russian Tsar


Edward Redekop served the King

I doubt it caused his heart to sing

Conscription – an inevitable thing

Still Edward served the Russian King


Edward Redekop ‘took up arms’

Forced to leave the Mennonite farm

The Russian army held few charms

Yet Edward also ‘took up arms’


Edward Redekop went to war

A Russian uniform he wore

An Empire he was fighting for

Still Edward Redekop went to war


Edward Redekop served the Tsar

In Russia he could not go far

I doubt he won a Russian star

Yet Edward Redekop served the Tsar


By Wendy Welk

Soldier of the Tsar

Wendy Welk was born in Alberta, Canada and spent her formative years stargazing and joyfully playing in the snow. Wendy's poems have appeared in newspapers and magazines. She lives with her son and is still a fan of snow!
4 Responses
  1. author

    Don Reddekopp7 years ago

    Can you give me any details on Edward Redekop?

  2. author

    Wendy Welk7 years ago

    I can’t give you much in terms of details about Edward. He was my grandfather, he passed away long before I was born so I didn’t get to know him.

    He came to Canada, (from then Russia, now the Ukraine) sometime after the first world war and before the revolution. He came to Montreal first, and got a job in a Jewish bakery as he could speak Yiddish fluently. He could apparently, speak seven languages with English his weakest.

    Sometime later he came to BC where he met/married my grandmother. They had six kids together, two girls and four boys. Only three of their kids are still living.

    Wish that I could tell you more! Are you thinking that you might be a relative of Edward’s? He did have brothers and sisters but I’m not sure how many/if any of them also came to Canada.

    Thanks for your interest in Edward! All the best to you,
    Wendy Welk

  3. author

    James Short6 years ago

    Loved it. Understood it. Simple story. One of the cool things about this poem is its romantic title contrasting with its casual relation of grave danger without end.

  4. author

    Wendy Welk6 years ago

    Hi James!

    Thanks so much for your insights regarding my poem! You’ve truly made my day!

    I think that you articulated your thoughts really well. I’ve taken every one of them to heart and it helps me a lot to know how people feel after they’ve read one of my poems/stories!

    Happiness Always,
    Wendy Welk


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