There is no sex in Spirit. Love does not depend on physical attributes. It is beyond the physical. And one day I too will be in Spirit. And who knows what that is going to be like. But we don’t have to wait till then. I am in no hurry to go to Spirit. We have the best of both worlds now, even if we are in two different universes.
My life is perfect. God has blessed me abundantly. I live in a nice retirement home and am being well taken care of. I have many friends. I have enough money from my Senior pension to pay my rent and buy my necessities. I have a wonderful doctor and am now on an even better medication. It is about 95% effective so, most of the time, I hear no voices. The Negative Spirits still attack me, but the effects are very mild. Also, by now, I am no longer scared of them. I know what’s happening, and I’m able to go through them quite easily.
And I have Mr. Price! The love of my life!
I consider myself a Catholic. But I’m also a Spiritualist. The two are not mutually exclusive. Catholics believe in the survivor of the soul and the life everlasting. I have the proof.
God has blessed me with many caring people. I had many good doctors. The best was my psychologist. She had been seeing me once a week for about twenty years. She was the kindest and most compassionate person I ever knew. She had helped me through some of the most difficult and painful periods of my life.
Today she is grieving the death of her husband. It is watching her suffer so badly that prompted me to write this story.
I’m 74 years old with many years ahead. Who knows what God has in mind for my future. But considering my life so far, it will be spectacular!
And one day, in God’s time, I will die. I pray that I will go like my grandmother, extending my arms to meet those of Mr. Price’s, welcoming me to Spirit and to life everlasting.