My Story

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My father:

He came to visit me in my apartment. We spent the whole day together. I told him what I remembered from my childhood and what a wonderful father he was. He was moved and happy. It was a day I will never forget. And imagine how I grieved his death and suffered the deep depression quite needlessly.

My aunt Stella:

The medium in Church came to me one Sunday and said: “Your aunt is here. She is saying you were named after her.” How did the medium, who did not know me, knew that I was named after my aunt?

My mother:

She died in November 1996. I did not grieve because, by then, I knew she was still alive in Spirit. I saw her myself one day. She was blond (the hair color she liked), wore a beautiful blue coat and a radiant smile on her face. I knew then that she was happy. I also learned that in Spirit, we can look the way we like.

There are many more examples. Spirits do exist! We do not just die. We go on living. There is no need to grieve somebody’s death. There is no need to be miserable. We are all psychic, though to a different degree. Some people see visions. Some hear voices. Some get a strong feeling of someone’s presence and a warm feeling inside. Sometimes we are guided to a specific book and read what they want to tell us.


But we must not believe everything we perceive. The Negative Spirits exist too and they are happy when they can hurt us. It is important to stay close to God. The best way is by prayer.

I love God with all my being. I try to follow Jesus. That’s why I do not hate the Negative Spirits. Jesus said:

        “Love your enemies, bless them that hate you, and pray for them that despitefully use you and persecute you.”

I take this to heart. I try to love everybody and hate no one. I spend a lot of time in prayer and try to follow God’s guidance. This story has been inspired by God, I believe. But I am not finished. The best is yet to come.


In spite of all the suffering, the hospital visits and lost jobs, my love life was surprisingly active. There was always someone in my life. I had boyfriends. I was in love a few times. I even had opportunities for marriage. But it was never right. I was never serious enough for a commitment. I never got pleasure from the physical side of love though I gave it a good try. I felt I had to. But I was never happy. I never did get married.

And then a miracle happened. It was September 2012. I was 65. One night I heard a voice asking: “Out of all people you were in love with, which one was the most special?” Without hesitation I answered: “Oh, that would be Mr. Price.” I haven’t thought about him most of my life, but he was somewhere close to my heart.

MORE pages to follow: click the page numbers below!
Stella is a senior living in Canada. She had an interesting life and would like to share what she's learned with others.
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