Love, Romance, and the Superhero
Glen Eker and Deborah Eker
The poetry workshop was taking place on a Saturday afternoon in September, in the meeting room of the local library near the university. The library was a one floor structure with a windowless meeting room at the back. It was a rather bland, dull room painted light blue with four tables placed in a square for the meeting. Chairs were placed along the tables so that about twenty-five people could be seated. Other than that, the room was bare except for a sink with a cupboard below, soap dispenser, paper towel dispenser, and a standing movable closet or cupboard, whatever one would want to call it. Hardly the atmosphere to inspire great creative thought, yet this was where the poetry group held their meetings once every month from one to three in the afternoon.
The participants started filtering in, each one placing a poem on the table in front of a chair where someone would be sitting. During the course of the workshop each person would read a poem which would then be commented on by the group as a whole.
About twenty-five aspiring poets came to the meeting this day. Among the participants that day was Emily, a twenty-two year old third year English major from the university. Emily was a slim, attractive blonde with blue eyes, 5’4” tall, who was wearing a flowered blouse, bell-bottom blue jeans and a blue jean jacket. Also there was Derek, a twenty-six year old graphic artist. Derek was about 5’9” tall with dark brown hair and brown eyes. He was also wearing blue jeans, but the boot cut variety, a Batman t-shirt, and a green windbreaker. Did these two young people have something more in common besides an interest in poetry?
After the preliminary announcements and introductions were done,the reading of the poems began. Emily volunteered to go first with a poem entitled “Disaster in the Black Void of Space”. Emily’s voice spoke out with clarity and enthusiasm:
“Disaster in the Black Void of Space
Krypton sits looking serene,
in the deep, black void of space.
From the telescope on this planet,
observers see the black expanse of the galaxy.
In this open space of stars and planets,
a rocket ship carrying a baby speeds,
through the atmosphere to earth.
Krypton looking calm and complacent,
feels the tremors of earthquakes.
As Krypton spins inexorably on its orbit,
a disaster is about to happen.
An explosion will tear the planet,
into infinitesimal pieces.
The baby is taken to earth,
so he will survive,
and when grown, he will,
have special powers,
and fight for the good of mankind”
There was applause all around, especially from Derek who seemed to be especially excited about the poem. Derek said that “I really enjoyed the poem. It conveys the story of Superman’s origin brilliantly. The imagery in the poem is excellent. A beautiful poem.” The comments from the other people in the group were equally favourable.
Emily thanked the group. All the while she was staring at Derek, who was also staring back at her as if a common bond had already been established. These looks continued through the next few poetry readers.
After a few more people had read their poems, it was Derek’s turn to read his. Derek began by saying, “Like Emily’s,I hope everyone enjoys it.” All the while both he and Emily were staring at each other.