Lake Chipican Questionnaire v.3


What are your hobbies?
The Ritz Brothers
World peace

Is it possible that 6 x 9 = 42?
According to the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, — which explains ‘the meaning of life, the universe, and everything’ — 6 x 9 does equal 42, using something called Base 13. If Deep Thought says it, that’s what I say too.

What, then, is Rule 42?
According to the King of Hearts, “All persons more than a mile high to leave the court.”

Why did the chicken cross the road?
Because she was hopelessly lost. It was her third, maybe fourth, time across the same stupid road, twice in the exact same spot. After a while all roads start to look exactly alike.

She learned from then on to avoid all directions from others containing either the word ‘just’ or the words ‘you can’t miss it’.

What was ‘black and white and read all over’?
The daily newspaper delivered door to door, except Sundays.

Apples or oranges?
It depends. Who’s peeling the orange?

If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
You’re late

Who are your 10 favourite prose and poetry writers?
Not counting Chaucer or Shakespeare, or the people I know, personally – Dickens, Austen, Munro, Julie Schumacher, Kevin Wilson, Wordsworth, Twain, Leacock, Carroll, Whitman, Dickenson, Brian Bilston, Stuart Ross.

Oh, and Yeats. I forgot Yeats. Oh, and one work wonders, like Ernest Thayer (Casey at the Bat) and Laura Elizabeth Richards (Eletelphony). Oh, and Poe. How could I forget Poe?

But not Faulkner. No. Not Faulkner. Good try. Champion try. But no..

Best sandwich?
A Monte Cristo

If you could pick up a new skill in an instant what would it be and why?
Mechanical. So I could at least nod knowingly when others describe how they repaired their toaster.

You get one song to listen to for the rest of your life. What is it?
Well, it would have to be a two-sided vinyl record played on an old machine. I’ve always liked the hiss.

Side one, Brahms Violin Concerto. You pick the violinist. I know, I know, Beethoven’s is also in the violin-friendly key of D Major and old Ludwig’s is widely considered to be the better composition. Maybe. Let’s not argue. But it’s the Brahms for me.

The flip side would be Mockingbird sung by James Taylor and Carly Simon. Their performance only. Nobody else’s comes close. C’mon.

What Shakespearean quote do you remember?
Of course the famous ones – ‘To be or not to be’ and ‘Now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer’ and so on. But the somewhat more obscure one I admire is when Mercutio says, ‘Ask for me tomorrow, and you shall find me a grave man,’ as he is stabbed by Tybalt under Romeo’s arm. Laughter as a gateway to truth and understanding and maybe even wisdom. Wonderful.

Where do you look for emotional validation? Outside from others? Inside from yourself?
Validation? Validation? When did we all start to talk like Social Workers?

Crunchy peanut butter or smooth?

What do you want?
All the usual stuff, plus anything else you can think of.


Person filling out a questionnaire

Bob has contributed a personal reflections column to The Sarnia Journal in Sarnia, Ontario. Bob’s verse, short stories, and articles have appeared in a variety of online and print publications. His blog, Bob’s Write from the Start, is aimed at those on their own growth and learning journey as writers.
One Response
  1. author

    Heather1 year ago

    Bob, you have tickled my fancy once more. Thank you!


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