How to Serve Your Fellow Man

The virus had the entire community quarantined for so long, relationships were strained, to say the least. Couples married for 50 years and more were finding out that they didn’t get along so well now, or had not been getting along well for quite some time.

With all activities canceled, staying home became a prison, all-be-it, a comfortable one. The TV was working, cell phones were working, and yard work was always in need of attention. Thank God for the computer and the internet. In time, food became a problem. The monotony of eating the same foods, in the same surroundings, with the same person, 24/7, began to take its toll.

After more than a year and a half, vaccines had rendered the virus under control. Those who emerged into the new day had gained an exorbitant amount of weight. Their mates, however, did not emerge, fat or thin. In fact, they didn’t emerge at all.

The pre-virus, town population of 6,000 had shrunk to approximately 3,000 inhabitants. These fewer, but fatter, people were a glaring testimony to what had happened. The survivors pooled their culinary knowledge, and put together a cookbook, entitled “How to Serve Your Fellow Man”.


Cook book with title "How to Serve Your Fellow Man"


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