Fractured Tales 17 – The River Flows

More Fractured Tales stories!

The river flows… from the foot of the mountain… down the hill… over the rocky edges that look like steps.
She pauses a moment to admire the scenic beauty… but she knows… only too well… how deceptive it can be… and how easily the force of the rushing water can sweep you off your feet.
Oh yes! This is a place she is closely acquainted with… or, at least… she thought she was, but… it doesn’t feel the same… it feels different.
She can only hope to find the place she is looking for… the place that haunts her dreams.

One side of the river resembles a roller coaster… consisting of rolling hills, rocks… and huge boulders deposited by ancient glaciers when they began to move… many years ago.
She once knew where to set up camp on that side… but…everything is changed… not like the dream at all… and that is confusing.

On the side where she is standing… there is a meadow filled with low ground-hugging plants… peppered with patches of wildflowers in every colour of the rainbow.
The meadow lies at the foot of a mountain… a bit small as mountains go… but a mountain nonetheless.
She knows that about halfway up the mountain, there is a plateau… fenced and shaded on every side by huge, monster-size trees.
In the centre of that plateau is a lake… always fresh and cold… fed by an underground spring… which is probably the source of the river as well.
Sometimes, at night… beneath the shadows of drifting clouds… the trees look as if they are alive.

It had taken a long time for her to get here… walking with a heavy backpack wasn’t something she did every day.
But she knew it was the best choice… the only safe choice.
She had to get away before they came for her… and she knew they would come… sooner or later.
The more of a head start she had… the better her chance for escape… she knew… what would happen if she stayed… and she would heed the warnings.

She knew everything… because she had seen it… and experienced it… in dreams…dreams that were… unsettling, to say the least… and felt so real that she knew there was a reason behind them.
Still, she had not been fully prepared… had not expected things to happen so quickly… but already they were planning their attack.
Her subconscious was warning her of what could – or would – happen if she didn’t get away… and leaving was her best chance to avoid any calamity.

Some of the lights in her apartment were programmed and could be accessed through her phone.
The battery was fully charged when she left… in the middle of a dark cloudy night
She had no other reason to use her phone out here so… with the lights being turned on and off at random intervals… it should give everyone the impression that she was still at home.
Therefore, while her battery lasted, she would establish her base… with a hidden entrance… and a safe, easy exit.

No matter what… she must not let them find her.
They claimed she was stressed out… that she should go to a “Wellness Centre”… and get professional help… to get rid of what they called delusions.
What they really wanted was to hide the fact that she was different… that she could see things which they could not.
But she knows the truth… she knows they want to confine her… and study her.. for she knows what they would find… but they are not prepared to deal with the truth.
Her brain is different… not at all what they consider normal… and they would try to lock her up in some institution for further study.

Unfortunately, she cannot control her dreams… and she has not yet learned to control her brain.
However. looking back on it… perhaps she should have kept things to herself.
If they didn’t know the things her dreams revealed… they wouldn’t feel the need to silence her… and she would have been safe.
She could see that now… but hindsight is always twenty-twenty… now it was up to her to take control and make things right.

She would not – could not – let them take her… any tampering with her brain would alter her abilities… and interfere with her chances to escape… to be the person she was meant to be.
Because she is different… she is unique… unlike any other person they’ve ever met before.
They wouldn’t understand that she must be free to be herself… whoever and whatever that is.

But whatever happens… the river flows… always on the same track… always in her dreams… leading her on… guiding her to where she should be.
And only the dreams can make everything clear…


Woman with backpack sitting beside river

Now retired, after 39 years as a Librarian, Fay Herridge is a voracious reader, avid family historian, and a love of writing. She also enjoys walking, gardening, knitting, crocheting and photography; and is active in church and community events. Her poems and stories have been published in newspapers and magazines. “Satisfaction comes when others enjoy my work while inspiration comes from anywhere and everywhere.”
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