For Pete’s Sake

The Commissioner stood and faced the audience. “Peter is correct,” he said with a smile. “Scaloppine is correct when spelled either S- C- A- L- O- P- P- I- N- E or S- C- A- L- O- P- P- I- N- I. Peter Reynolds is the winner.”
There was a moment of stunned silence. Someone three rows back began to clap. George Greeley looked back and saw it was Joshua Ford, Christie’s dad. He grinned and winked. He stood and started vigorously clapping his hands. Others began to join in until the auditorium vibrated with thunderous applause.
Christie ran from backstage, embracing Peter’s neck and kissing him. “I knew you could do it.” She whispered against his ear.
People began to stand as the applause continued. George Greeley was still clapping, a proud smile spread across his face.
Christie and Peter faced the audience, their arms around each other’s waists. Peter saw Joel Hagerty force the twins to stand, but their sour expressions never changed. Everyone was applauding. Tears filled Peter’s eyes and ran down his cheeks. He looked at Christie. She was holding his hand and smiling up at him.
“In all my days, I’ve never seen anything like this,” Henry said to Ruth Baker backstage. “Listen to that. They love him.”
“This might be a good time to go out there and take some credit.”
“What do you mean? Oh, I see. You’re right.” He laughed. “This could guarantee my re-election.”
Ruth kissed him on the cheek.”
“What was that for?” He touched the spot.
“I just felt like doing it. Don’t you dare tell Margaret. She might get the wrong idea.”
“I think she knows me better than that.”
The mayor walked out on the stage and took Peter’s hand and then Christie’s. He smiled at each of them and then held up both their hands.

Everyone clapped even harder.



Boy on podium doing sign language, with a sign saying 'Spelling Bee' behind him.

Jim R. Garrison is retired and lives in Palmetto, Florida. He has self-published three fiction novels and five travel books through Amazon. He is a member of the Manatee Writers Group of Bradenton, Florida. Jim graduated from the New York School of Journalism, a home study course.
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