The first snow fell on Walnut Ridge the first week of December. The trees had already lost all their leaves and were gray skeletons against a white landscape. Winter had finally come, and the residents of Walnut Ridge, Tennessee settled in to doing all the things they had put off doing until just such a time as this.
The teenagers representing the Walnut Ridge High School in the Johnson County Academic Fair had all been chosen, and they were practicing every day, being quizzed regularly by their respective teachers. Christie was quizzed after school every day by Ruth Baker, her English teacher.
Every day after the quizzing, Christie went directly to Greeley’s store, and she and Peter studied signing. Some days Ruth Baker would join them and help with the teaching. She knew how to sign but admitted she was a little rusty at it since she hadn’t used it for some time. Ruth told Christie she was amazed at Peter’s intelligence. She said that boy never went to school a day in his life, yet he knew more than a good third of her students.
December 22nd finally arrived. The Walnut Ridge High School auditorium was packed to standing room only. People had come from all over Johnson County. Many had relatives from out of the state, braving the twisting, snow-covered roads of the Appalachians to get here.
The snow had been falling steadily all day, and the temperature was dropping as night approached.
George Greeley came backstage to wish Christie luck.
“Have you seen Peter?” She asked.
“He grinned around the ever present unlit cigar. “Don’t worry, Christie. He’ll be here. He’s locking up the store for me this very minute.” He hugged her and added, “Maggie has two seats saved for us right up front.”
The Mayor, a short man with a round belly and a pudgy face, walked out onto the stage, and a hush descended on the auditorium as the lights dimmed.
Christie looked out from behind the curtain. She searched the big room, but she didn’t see Peter anywhere. What if something had happened to him? The school was almost a mile from the store, and if he was walking—She shook her head. She didn’t want to think about it. Nothing was going to happen to Peter. He was just late. That was all.
“Ladies and gentlemen.” The mayor began. There was a horrible sound from the speakers before someone adjusted for the feedback. He laughed. “Now, that we got that fixed, I’ll introduce myself for those of you who may not know me. I’m Samuel Billsworth, and I’m the mayor of this here town.”
There was applause. The mayor held up his hands and continued as the applause subsided. “Welcome to the Johnson County Academic Fair. Walnut Ridge is proud to host this year’s competition. We’re also very proud of our local students who will be representing our town in tonight’s competition. They’ve all proven themselves to be the best of Walnut Ridge. Tonight we’ll see who is the best in the county. The winners will go to the state competition that will be held in March in Knoxville.”