Country Friend-Zone

Since they were both drunk out of their minds, the fight became very sloppy as Simon and Farmer Boy continued to trade blows with the ferocity of two hyenas fighting over a dead antelope in the Serengeti. At this point Simon could feel two large arms attempting to constrict him. Looking up, he saw that security had shown up to break up the fight. Farmer Boy needed two guards to hold him down because of his size. Because Simon was of smaller build, the guard had no trouble lugging him off to a mostly empty parking lot on the outskirts of the camp. What Simon loathed was that in order to get there he was brought through all the other camp areas along the way, like he was a show animal that was forced to take part in some sort of parade.

“What the hell were you doing back there?” The guard barked at Simon. The guard had been in the sun for too long. The sunburns that lined his arms and collar held a strong red.

“My girlfriend was being harassed by that guy, so I came to break it up,” Simon strained each word as the alcohol was started to slow him down.

“The way I saw it, she isn’t your girlfriend. You just couldn’t get through the first day out here without causing a scene to make yourself look cool could you?” This guy needed a drink of water.

“It….. wasn’t like that, see—-“

“I don’t care what it was. You drank too much and made a mess out of yourself. Looking at you, I can already tell you aren’t 21. Son, I’m tired of this. Now, you can stay here, behave, and wait till your beer starts to wear off, or otherwise I’m going to have to call someone and take you away, and I don’t want to hear another lecture from a cop about my job.”

His vision still blurry, Simon could make out the guard’s serious expression. Summoning up all of his will, he tried his hardest to maintain a still composure. It wasn’t even a minute before he slumped over, almost hacking on the ground.

“Just stay there until the buzz has passed over, I’ll bring over some water for you.” Walking toward a white van, the guard left Simon alone.

Now that he was calmed down, he was able to think more clearly about what had transpired. It was smart of the guards to put Farmer Boy in some other lot far away from Simon, otherwise he doubted that he could control himself around the boy. Regarding Julie, he didn’t know what to do. This was his first real love in a world that wasn’t even his own. He had never been the outgoing type, rather the kind of guy that would sit back and let others take the spotlight. Simon had always lived life on the safer side, always searching for the most predictable outcome. But this wasn’t something that he had anticipated.

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