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Cookery,5 / 5 ( 1votes )

I must admit I’d shout hooray
If I cooked pasta the right way
Or I poached a perch fillet
While whipping up a peach parfait
Or baked a cake for your birthday
Or knew what’s meant by curds and whey
If Best Before means throw away
Or what goes best with chardonnay
Or what to choose for an entree
Let alone at the buffet

Or what they’ll serve on judgment day
Or what the Chef up there might say

Cooking pasta in a pot

Bob has contributed a personal reflections column to The Sarnia Journal in Sarnia, Ontario. Bob’s verse, short stories, and articles have appeared in a variety of online and print publications. His blog, Bob’s Write from the Start, is aimed at those on their own growth and learning journey as writers.
One Response
  1. author

    Heather Rath1 month ago

    Classic Bob Boulton….hurray!


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