Conscious Revelation

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Conscious Revelation


After the anxieties have been identified and driven out, there lingers the profound sadness and conscious revelation of the void so long overlooked, camouflaged within the murky landscape.


The fears still smolder, all but expired.   Still they fight for the oxygen to grow into formidable enemies of the soul.


Now overshadowed by the stark black hole, these monsters bide their time until the wind inevitably shifts in their favour.


Until then, the gaping void threatens to suck its victim into the ambivalent state known as meaningless existence.


By Wendy Welk


Conscious Revelation


Wendy Welk was born in Alberta, Canada and spent her formative years stargazing and joyfully playing in the snow. Wendy's poems have appeared in newspapers and magazines. She lives with her son and is still a fan of snow!
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