City of Ghosts

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  City of Ghosts



How long will you stay in your city of ghosts?


Surrounded by memories that put you in jail

Those events that befell and defined you

Making you old and leaving you frail


How long will you stay in your city of ghosts?


As the voice of the mockers ring in your ears

And the threats by the wicked, marking your days

Renewing your fears


How long will you stay in your city of ghosts?


Reliving the stings from a haunted past

As that place of rejection encircles your soul

And your heart faintly bends at half-mast


How long will you stay in your city of ghosts?


Searching for respite and straining for air

Wheezing out dreams of hushed fairy tales

Entrenched in your fortress and cares


How long will you stay in your city of ghosts?


by Wendy Welk


City of Ghosts

Wendy Welk was born in Alberta, Canada and spent her formative years stargazing and joyfully playing in the snow. Wendy's poems have appeared in newspapers and magazines. She lives with her son and is still a fan of snow!
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