Big Boss Betty’s Bakery Bakes Beautiful Bread

Better believe Betty’s Bakery business bakes beautifully.
Betty’s biscuits, buns, brownies! Behold! Blissful breathtaking banana bread! Bounteous breads beckon. Boring, bland, bourgeois baking begone. Baker Betty’s born. Booyah!
But before breakfast, Betty’s brother Boris be bopped beside Betty’s baking brioche. Brother Boris boasted, “Boogie, baby, boogie”. Bread batches buckled, broke, busted.
Betty boohooed, bawled, burbled. But, by brunch, Boris’s boneheaded boogieing backfired. Betty blossomed, Betty bristled, Betty blazed, bellowed, boomed. Baker Betty became Big Boss Betty. Bang!
Battles began. Betty’s brioche blasted Boris’s beak. Boris bumped Betty. Betty booted Boris back. Bitterness brewed. Betty barked, “Baloney! Balderdash!” Betty banished bewildered, baffled brother Boris.
Betty, Big Boss Betty, breathed, “Bye-bye, Boris. Bye-bye.”

Logo Betty's Bakery

Bob has contributed a personal reflections column to The Sarnia Journal in Sarnia, Ontario. Bob’s verse, short stories, and articles have appeared in a variety of online and print publications. His blog, Bob’s Write from the Start, is aimed at those on their own growth and learning journey as writers.
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