Adelaide and Marmalade

Addy ran back to the kitchen, opened the fridge and took out a piece of cooked chicken that had been left for dinner. She returned to the cage and offered it to the tiger who was now seated, his head near the front end of the cage.

“Is that all?” he asked.

Addy ran back to the kitchen and opened the fridge. She found some cold cuts and a chicken wing which she took back to the tiger who ate them with a gulp and a burp.

“Anything else?” he asked.

“You are really hungry,” said Addy, ”didn’t they feed you on your trip?”

“Nope,” said the tiger, “they gave me a shot and I slept all the way. Anything else?” he asked again.

Addy ran back to the fridge and pulled out some sausages and a piece of sliced beef. When she gave them to the tiger, she said, “I’ve emptied the fridge. I hope this will do.”

The tiger nodded and lowered his head. He burped once again then slumped down and fell asleep.

Daddy came outside and he and Addy finished removing the remaining slats of the crate and placed the slats in a neat pile next to the house. The slat with the letter DE on it was next to the slat holding the large key. Addy lifted up the large key with both hands and gave it to Daddy. He took the key and unlocked the cage.

They woke the tiger and walked with him into the house and through to the kitchen. He sniffed at the fridge then went through an open door and walked downstairs to the basement where he fell back asleep next to the furnace which was still on as it was spring, but early spring.

Addy told Daddy the fridge was almost empty.

“I wonder what a tiger will eat besides meat. I’ll check online,” said Daddy, then added,“Will he eat cat food?”

The phone rang. Addy answered. It was Mummy. Addy told Daddy that Mummy wanted to know if she should pick up anything on her way home. Daddy said he thought he’d order a pizza for a change. Addy told Mummy that Daddy would order a pizza for a change. Addy hung up the phone.

Daddy told Addy that they better go and shop for groceries and buy a frozen pizza. On the way to go shopping, he told Addy that he had done some research on tigers. Addy told Daddy they better buy some pork chops and a chicken. Maybe some roast beef too.

When they arrived home they saw that Mummy had arrived just before them. She told Daddy that the furnace was purring. While Daddy unpacked the groceries and put the chops and the chicken and the roast beef into the fridge, Addy plucked the pepperoni slices off the pizza and tossed them down the stairs to where the tiger was sleeping. Then she put the frozen pizza in the oven.

MORE pages to follow: click the page numbers below!
Anthony Arnold was born in Vancouver, B.C. He has lived in New York, Montreal and settled in Toronto. He has exhibited his paintings in Toronto and New York and began writing short stories a few years ago.
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