About Story Quilt

From the Beginning

From the beginning humans have felt compelled to tell stories, to draw storied pictures and to shout cries of joy or sorrow. In that compulsion nothing has changed except the vehicle of transmission.

Although recording of these creative efforts has gone from drawing on scrolls to printing on paper to posting on electronic format, the urge to write and be read is still there.

Canadian Stories

Some of us have been fortunate to be at the right place at the right time. It has been possible to collect and collate contributions from Canadian writers for the last 16 years and disseminate them to subscribers in printed form. The magazine is called CANADIAN STORIES, published by The Gentle Edge Publishing Co. Ltd. See www.canadianstories.net. Now we are embarking on the next step.

Story Quilt

Story Quilt is an all-electronic magazine to begin 2015 with the goal to collect stories, and poems, and art for the relaxed entertainment of all readers world-wide. Initially the contributions will mainly come from Canada but with time we hope to welcome submissions from any country in English.

The emphasis will be on stories. Stories can be told in many ways: “True” format using personal experiences or true facts from known sources, or “Fiction” based on facts, or “Pure Fiction, or “Art” as in artist’s creations either in black and white or colour, or Photography, or Applied Arts as in quilts, or in Videos, or in Music, or in any combination of the above. Suitable essays and novellas may also be considered.


The quality of the written word or created art is truly in the eye of the beholder. The English used and the spelling and grammar will be Canadian which has evolved from British and influenced by American usage. The English language is a fluid entity and changes with time. Likewise with art. We will depend on the associate editors to keep the gate and decide.


Managing Editor Ed Janzen  
Associate Editor James Deahl Poetry
Associate Editor Anna Rumin True Stories and Creative Non-fiction
Associate Editor Renate Ford Fiction
Associate Editor Peter Joyce Travel Stories
Format and Sales U-C WEBS  


There will be no violence accepted in these contributions as judged by the associate editors. No sexual nuances, no racism, no vulgar vocabulary, no politics, no religion, no exploitation stories, and no hero worship. But we do want to see happy, energetic, creative, challenging, intriguing and unique material. Examples in www.canadianstories.net may help to define the content of Story Quilt.

All submissions will be added to the Story Quilt website in Approval Pending mode. The Associate Editor will judge whether the contribution is suitable for Story Quilt, and the webmaster will correspond with the submitter about approval or rejection of their submissions. If major edits are required we will contact the author with suggestions; minor edits like punctuation will be implemented without further communication with the author. The Managing Editor has the final say whether submissions will be published in our online magazine.

All submitted material should be new and unpublished. Submissions sent simultaneously to other publications will not be accepted. Material already on other web sites should not be submitted.

The story or poem belongs to the writer. We did not buy the piece, so it belongs to the writer. We just want to be the FIRST to publish a story, but you are free to publish these stories elsewhere once they have appeared on Story Quilt.

By submitting your content to our magazine you also grant us the right to use part or all of it for our promotional purposes; this may include publishing (part) of it on our social media channels.

Fine Print

Each writer who submits a story, poem or other material (the Submission) for publication agrees with the Gentle Edge Publishing Company Limited and the Publisher that, in consideration of the publication of the Submission, the writer:

  • confirms that he/she is the author of the Submission and has the right to submit it for publication,
  • accepts full responsibility for the contents of the Submission,
  • agrees to indemnify and save them harmless from any claim or liability arising from the publication of the Submission, and
  • acknowledges that he/she will not be paid for the Submission.

The Plan

The plan is to group suitable contributions into units to be published bimonthly: January, March, May, July, September, November.

All contributions will be collected in an Archives section of Story Quilt available to all subscribers. Eventually a tone of calm easy reading from these contributions will evolve.


Initially Story Quilt will be free to access. After that it may be turned into a paid subscription.