A New Leash on Life

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About two hours later, an email from Kristy arrived identifying three dog breeders in SW Ontario.  She had researched their reputations, references, customer reviews and felt comfortable recommending them to me.  “Take a look at the breeders and the dogs they raise and then you have to apply for a puppy, mom.  But don’t worry, I know what breeders look for in these applications, so I’ve sent you a draft letter of application.  All you have to do is insert the breeder’s name, copy and paste the contents of my letter and sign your name on the application form.  Now mom, don’t make any adjustments, don’t use your own words, just follow my model to a T and email the application to the breeders whose dogs you like best.  When they respond, they’ll tell you how long the waiting list is and when a litter might be available”.

I made my way through each of the breeder’s websites and found on each one, the most adorable puppies in the world.  How would I ever choose, I wondered?  My excitement was dampened considerably when I saw the prices of those pups.  I couldn’t imagine how Bob, who didn’t want a dog to begin with, would ever support me in paying several thousands of dollars for a puppy.  Sharing this uneasiness with Kristy she said “well, mom, why does he have to know?  You have your own money, right?”  The concept of Bob and I having a joint chequing account didn’t slow her down.  “Well, I’ll buy the dog for you and you can pay me back when you get your puppy and tell Bob then.”  I felt sick to my stomach about even the thought of treating Bob so dishonestly.  “No, Kristy.  I can’t do that.  Let’s see how long it’ll take for me to get a puppy and hopefully, I’ll have enough time to convince Bob by then that getting a dog is exactly what he wants to do.”

Within 48 hours, I’d received replies from two of the three breeders and had chosen Pets in the Country as my preferred breeder; their Mini Country Doodle was my dog of choice.  The breeder, Helena, told me that she would place me on the call list for the next (spring) litter, along with a maximum of nine other people also interested in getting a pup.  We would all be called on the same day and the first person to respond with an e transfer deposit would get a puppy.  After the number of e deposits sent equalled the number of available puppies, the process would end.  It was a huge relief to me that I didn’t need to worry about sending money immediately; I would have several months yet to persuade Bob that he wanted a puppy.

A few weeks later in a Face Time call with our youngest granddaughters, they announced they were getting a puppy.  Lots of happy squealing and giggling preceded my reply that I was getting one too.  More squealing, and excitement ensued.  Congratulations were offered by all parties except for Bob.  With an ‘I don’t believe it’ look on his face he asked “are you really getting a dog?”  Without hesitation, I replied “yes, Bob, I told you I was going to get a dog.” In my mind, I wondered why this was such a surprise to him.  We’ve been married for almost 30 years; he knows I don’t give up when I set my mind on something.    

Several hours later, Bob again raised the topic of the puppy. “I don’t want a dog, Barb. I’m too old for a dog.”  “But I’m not, Bob.  Don’t worry: I will be the one who cares for it; you don’t have to do anything. I know it’ll be a lot of work but I’m up for it.  I really want a dog in my life.”

After several minutes of silence, Bob said quietly “I think I’m going to like having a dog in my lap in front of the TV.”  I smiled to myself and chuckled.  “I can see it too, honey.  You’re gonna love having a dog.”

Barb's Puppy

Barbara Tiessen is a regular contributor to Story Quilt. She is retired, and lives in Leamington, Ontario with her husband and their dog, Tua.
One Response
  1. author

    Lori3 years ago

    Love this story and I’m so happy for you Barb that you now have Tua to love. She will give you unconditional love in return. Bob is also attached to her already too. Kristy gave you good advice and it’s wonderful that you two have a great relationship. We’re looking forward to meeting Tua.


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