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Paradisum,2.33 / 5 ( 3votes )

While I slept on the meadow floor I had a dream. In this vision I perceived a ladder that rested upon the Earth and seemed to extend all the way to the heavens. Angelic beings ascended and descended this ladder, and at the bottom was gathered a celestial choir surrounded by a large orchestra. Each angel was dressed in white robes and had white hair. The hair of the females stretched all the way down to their waist. Their faces shone like the sun.

In the orchestra, some played stringed instruments, while others played woodwinds or brass; there were even instruments I cannot describe. The music seemed to permeate the universe. During the entirety of this phantasmagoria I experienced a peace I’d never known; there was nothing but bliss.

Then the archangel Gabriel appeared at the foot of the ladder and motioned to the orchestra and choir to cease. There settled an absolute silence that seemed to endure for an eternity. In the heavens at the top of the ladder there appeared seven angels with seven trumpets who blew a clarion call to reverence. Then the archangel shouted.

“Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus Dominus Deus Sabaoth. Pleni sunt coeli et terra gloria.” Then he disappeared.

(Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of hosts. Heaven and Earth are full of your glory.)

This was followed by another being that seemed to bathe the entire Earth in some translucent light. All inhabitants knelt in instance obedience. I observed this tranquility where I could perceive eternity from the past and the future. Then this being spoke and cried, “Deus vobiscum! (God be with you.) Behold, the past is ended, and the dawning of the new millennium is about to begin, a time of peace and prosperity as no man can perceive.”

At this proclamation, the orchestra and choir burst into jubilation, hundreds of angelic beings appeared out of nowhere and flew to the four corners of the Earth, bringing peace and happiness to all they encountered.

At this display of phenomenal extravaganza I awoke and felt I’d been bathed in this celestial energy and felt totally rejuvenated and many years younger. I had been given a new lease on life.

Insaecula saeculorum Amen. (For ever and ever Amen)


Ladder to heaven, with an angelic figure at the top

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