35 Harry Hogan – Secret Admirer

“Simple little things… like a cup of coffee on the little patio table where I have my coffee on nice mornings… sometimes a neatly wrapped bakery treat… or a small bunch of wildflowers…” She paused, forehead wrinkled in thought. “I didn’t realize it before, but this person knows me quite well… knows my habits and what I like.”

“Could it be a friend who lives nearby? Perhaps a friend with the same tastes, who picks up an extra for you, and drops it on his or her way home.”

Mrs. Allen looked at him thoughtfully. “I can’t think of anyone in my neighbourhood who would do that… no one who knows me that well. Most of them are younger people.”

“Do you have any relatives in town that might do something like this?”

She shook her head. “My sister lives on the other side of town but she’s definitely not a morning person. She hardly goes anywhere before lunchtime.”

“Maybe you do have a secret admirer, Mrs. Allen,” Bertie said. “Did you receive anything a few weeks ago, for Valentine’s Day?”

“Goodness! Yes, I did, a pretty, silky scarf,” she replied. “My birthday was the day before, so I didn’t make the connection.” She shook her head. “But I cannot think of anyone who knows that except my sister, and she took me out for dinner that day. That’s what we do now instead of giving gifts that neither of us needs.”

“That’s a nice idea,” Bertie said.

“How often are these little gifts dropped off?” Harry asked.

“Oh my, let me think… maybe once every two to three weeks. It doesn’t seem to be any particular day of the week, and sometimes there are more days in between than there are at other times.”

Harry was thoughtful as he rubbed his chin. “Where can I park the truck, out of the way, but where I can still see the front of your house?”

“The Robinson’s drive across the street is the best place. They’re down south with their daughter for a month and their car is in the garage. I’ll call and clear it with them but I know it’ll be okay.”

“That will be perfect, much better than the side of the street. Your gift-bringer wouldn’t notice it there,” Harry said. “Is the coffee still hot when you get it? And what time do you usually get up?”

“I get up at seven and the coffee isn’t exactly hot, but still warm. I just heat it up in the microwave. Why?”

“That means he – or she – has to drop it off no earlier than six-thirty. And that tells me what time I need to be there to catch them in the act.”

“I take it that means you’ll help me,” she said as she stood up. Harry nodded. “Should I pay you now?” she asked.

He shook his head and walked across the room to open the door for her. “Let’s wait and see if I solve this first. Then we can talk about payment.”

MORE pages to follow: click the page numbers below!
Now retired, after 39 years as a Librarian, Fay Herridge is a voracious reader, avid family historian, and a love of writing. She also enjoys walking, gardening, knitting, crocheting and photography; and is active in church and community events. Her poems and stories have been published in newspapers and magazines. “Satisfaction comes when others enjoy my work while inspiration comes from anywhere and everywhere.”
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