33 Harry Hogan – Paddy O’Flynn Returns

The Historical Society was excited to meet O’Flynn as they exchanged information and stories. He showed them the old pendant as well, allowing them to take photos of it, and promised to send new photos after it was restored. And, he promised to send them a copy of the one photo he had of Paddy.

Even the showcase was unlocked for him to have a photo taken while holding his Great-uncle’s rock pick.

“Many family members are going to be envious of this,” he said, with a hearty laugh.

Then, one of the members accompanied him and Harry to the mine site, pointing out the additions and improvements they had made along the way. They were in the process of making all their trails safer and easier for seniors in particular. O’Flynn was suitably impressed and made a donation to the Society in memory of his great-uncle.

With their cooperation, he arranged to have a natural ‘fence’ of large rocks put around the gravesite, and a memorial plaque installed on the grave.

O’Flynn stayed in town until the work was done and was there to cut the ribbon when the hiking site was completed. He also provided catered refreshments at the official opening, which was held at the mine site. And, he quite enjoyed being treated like a celebrity.

The Society had arranged for a member of the press to be there also. They saw this as not only a way to honour Paddy, but also as free publicity for their hiking tours. Harry was there as well and O’Flynn thanked him again for his help.

O’Flynn paused at the entrance of the old mine. “You know, I feel like Great-uncle Paddy is still here, but now he is at peace. I do not think he is looking for revenge, though he might still haunt the place. There is a long history of the O’Flynn men returning to haunt the places where they were most content during their lives.”

“Don’t let Gary Martin hear you say that,” Harry said, and they both laughed.

Pirate Ship

Now retired, after 39 years as a Librarian, Fay Herridge is a voracious reader, avid family historian, and a love of writing. She also enjoys walking, gardening, knitting, crocheting and photography; and is active in church and community events. Her poems and stories have been published in newspapers and magazines. “Satisfaction comes when others enjoy my work while inspiration comes from anywhere and everywhere.”
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