28 Harry Hogan – Black’s Farm

“I’m sure you do.” Harry said, with a chuckle. Rising to his feet, he shrugged into his jacket. “I think it’s time to find out if Joe or Silas knows anything about the Blacks and the farm.”

“If anyone knows, they do,” Bertie agreed. He could hear her laughing as he closed the door.

Harry called Silas on his way to Joe’s little trailer by the waterfront. “I’ll pick you up after I get Joe. We’re having lunch at the University Cafe.”

“That means you want to pick our brains again,” Silas said, laughing. “I’ll be ready.”

A short time later, the three men were seated in a corner booth at the cafe, waiting for their food to be delivered.

“Okay… what’s up?” Joe asked.

“Yeah, you had a reason for taking us out to lunch,” Silas said.

“Bribery,” Joe added.

Harry laughed, shaking his head. “Do you two know anything about Black’s Farm?”

“Old place,” Joe said.

“What are you looking for?” Silas asked.

Their food was delivered and they were quiet for several minutes. Then Harry said, “Tell me everything you know about it, especially any old stories.”

“I heard that Jonah was strict with his workers,” Silas said. “Strict – but fair.”

“Never married,” Joe added.

“When he was diagnosed with terminal cancer, he sold the farm and left the area. That’s all I know,” Silas said.

Harry nodded and looked at Joe. “You must know more. You always do.”

Joe shrugged. “Rumours.”

“What rumours?” Harry prompted.

“Old tunnel… under the house.”

Harry drew a deep breath. “Tunnel? Are you sure?” His mind was racing.

“Grandfather said it,” Joe said.

“Did Jonah know it was there?”

“Probably… been there long time.”

“His uncle might have known more about it,” Silas added. “I wonder how much he told Jonah?”

“That would be Saul,” Harry said. “Did either of you hear anything about him?”

“He helped,” Joe said. “Jonah too.”

Harry wanted to shake him. “Helped with what? Joe, unless you want to walk home, you better tell me everything you know about this.”

“Back porch on the house… steps down to root cellar… tunnel…” Reaching for his coffee mug, Joe wrapped both hands around it, and squeezed his eyes shut.

“Anything else?” Harry prompted.

“Give him a minute… I’ve seen this before. He’s organizing the memories in his head,” Silas said, shrugging as if to say he didn’t understand either.

Seconds later Joe opened his eyes and laid down the mug. “Grandfather heard from his grandfather… smugglers’ tunnel before Black’s time… refugees hid in Black’s time… rumours say Pinkerton lady knew.” Joe talked in phrases, as if that was how his brain organized things.

Harry did some quick mental calculations. “Jonah helped Miss Pinkerton?” Joe nodded. Harry stood up. “Okay, gentlemen, move it. We got a lady to see.”

Harry called ahead and was told that Miss Pinkerton would be happy to see them. When the truck stopped in the driveway, Goldie, the housekeeper, was waiting, with the door open. She greeted them with a smile and looked at Harry. “In the living room. You know the way. I’ll join you shortly.”

MORE pages to follow: click the page numbers below!
Now retired, after 39 years as a Librarian, Fay Herridge is a voracious reader, avid family historian, and a love of writing. She also enjoys walking, gardening, knitting, crocheting and photography; and is active in church and community events. Her poems and stories have been published in newspapers and magazines. “Satisfaction comes when others enjoy my work while inspiration comes from anywhere and everywhere.”
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