“Did you talk to anyone about it?” Bertie asked.
She shook her head. “I mentioned it to a neighbour one day, but he laughed and said there’s no such thing as ghosts. I didn’t dare mention it to anyone else. After two weeks, I knew I had to do something or risk a nervous breakdown.”
“What did you do?” Harry asked.
“I called the cafe and spoke to the waitress, who said she had never heard of it actually happening before, but she would check with someone who might know and get back to me. She called back shortly after. The person she spoke to knows the old legends well but had never heard of this one actually working. However, an old folklore expert told her there was only one way to break free from such a ghost. I had to relocate and it MUST be done in daylight while the ghost was inactive and unable to follow me.”
“And that was when you left.”
“Yes, Mr. Hogan. I threw my belongings into the trunk and back seat of my car and left. I haven’t seen or heard a ghost since.”
Harry and Bertie left shortly after, thanking Molly as she saw them to the door. “Tell Mr. Whitley how to get rid of the ghost and I wish him well.”
On the drive home, Harry and Bertie talked through everything again. Then they called Whitley and made arrangements to see him as soon as they got back.
Whitley was holding the door open when they exited the elevator. “Please say you can get rid of this ghost. I’m starting to feel like a zombie.”
“You didn’t think the place was haunted until you talked to your neighbour, right?” Harry asked when they were seated.
“That’s right.” Whitley said. “So, you think it’s all in my head?”
“Not entirely.” Harry shook his head. “I’m pretty sure the cold draft in the attic can be eliminated by caulking the window, which Mr. Simms will do. He also explained the sounds you hear.” Harry repeated what Simms had told him about the chimney.
Whitley nodded. “That sounds plausible.”
“The shadows you sometimes see are most likely shadows of birds flying past the window.”
“So, why didn’t I notice these things when I first moved in? Why did it take so long?”
“That’s because of your neighbour,” Bertie said. “These things were there before but you didn’t take notice. When you heard about the former tenant’s ghost, your subconscious became more aware. It’s the power of suggestion.”
“Do you often work long hours, Mr. Whitley?” Harry asked.
“Most of the time, I do.”
“The more tired you become, the more susceptible you are to suggestions,” Bertie said.
“So, basically, it’s just my imagination.” Whitley laughed. “I can live with that.”
“By the way,” he added as Harry and Bertie were leaving. “I have a conference tomorrow but I’ll stop by to pay my bill the day after.”
It was shortly after noon when Harry turned the truck out on the street.
“Should we have told Molly Bishop about the power of suggestion?” Bertie asked.
Harry shook his head. “It wouldn’t have served any purpose and probably embarrassed her. She’s no longer haunted by a ghost, so best to just leave it.”
“I suppose you’re right.” She looked out the window. “Where are you going?”
“Of course I’m right, and I’m going to treat you to an early lunch.” He hesitated a moment, then continued. “You may need it.” He parked the truck in front of a small cafe.
“Oh dear, what are you up to now?” She groaned. “Never mind, don’t tell me. I’m going to order the most expensive lunch on the menu, take my time eating it, and savour every bite.” She got out of the truck, shut the door, and stalked across the parking lot.
Harry followed her, shaking his head and laughing.