25 Harry Hogan – Blue Moon Ghost

“Because… well… if it really is the Blue Moon Ghost… it might be searching for a way to communicate with me.”

“Is it always in the same spot when you see it?” he asked.

She hesitated a moment. “Maybe not in the exact same spot, but pretty much.”

“Hmmm… it’s definitely interesting.” Harry handed her a business card. “Call me next time you see it and we’ll come check it out.”

Isabel looked at the card and then looked at Harry. “It’s usually a bit late at night.”

“The time isn’t important,” he assured her. “You call and we’ll be there. Okay?”

She nodded and stood up. “Thank you. Now I must go or I’ll be late for class. I will call… next time I see it.”

When Isabel had gone, Harry looked at Bertie. “You chose not to mention this.”

Bertie shrugged. “I wasn’t sure she’d come to see us and… it wasn’t my story to tell.”

“Hearing a story first-hand is always better anyway.” He stood up and reached for his jacket.

“Going somewhere?”

“Gotta take the truck for an oil change. I probably won’t see you again until after lunch.”

She grinned. “Have fun.”

* * * * * * * * * *

It was nearly ten-thirty that night when Harry called Bertie. “Miss Brewer just called. Her ghost is back. I’m on the way to get you now.”

“You didn’t come back after lunch,” Bertie said as she got into the truck.

“I stopped by the station and got caught up on things there. Bruce had a couple of things he wanted me to check out. I’ll give you the details tomorrow, after I’ve digested his reports.” Detective Bruce Parkins was Harry’s former partner on the police force.

“Sounds promising,” she replied.

Isabel was on the front step, waiting, when Harry reached her place, an older style bungalow that had apparently been turned into two student apartments. The two-vehicle driveway was fully occupied so he parked on the side of the street. Similar renovations had been done with many houses in the immediate area because it was fairly close to the university.

“Nice area,” he said as they approached her. “One bedroom?”

She nodded. “Nice and roomy, though. There’s another one-bedroom in the basement, and shared laundry facilities.”

“Beats having to go to a downtown laundromat. Now, if you’ll show us where the ghost is, we’ll do our best to find an explanation for you.”

“Follow me.” She opened the front door and led them inside.

“Has anyone else ever been here and seen the ghost at the same time you did?” Harry asked.

Isabel shook her head. “Between my studies and working part time, I don’t have time for a social life. And I’m not quite ready to share my family legend with a lot of people just yet. Sasha was the first person I told.”

The apartments had been designed with the kitchen at the front, facing the street, and the living room at the back, overlooking the backyard.

MORE pages to follow: click the page numbers below!
Now retired, after 39 years as a Librarian, Fay Herridge is a voracious reader, avid family historian, and a love of writing. She also enjoys walking, gardening, knitting, crocheting and photography; and is active in church and community events. Her poems and stories have been published in newspapers and magazines. “Satisfaction comes when others enjoy my work while inspiration comes from anywhere and everywhere.”
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