25 Harry Hogan – Blue Moon Ghost

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Bertie Blackett was having a late lunch in a small cafe when a hushed conversation in the next booth caught her attention. She glanced up and saw that it was two young women, possibly students from the university across the street. She didn’t like to eavesdrop but the only other option was to change her seat and she thought that might be too conspicuous.

“I don’t mean the blue moon we see several times a year, Sasha… and not the song that Elvis sang either… I’m talking about the Blue Moon Ghost.”

“Blue Moon Ghost? Never heard of it.”

“Well, my grandmother used to see it often and she talked about it constantly.”

“And now you think you’ve seen it?”

“I don’t THINK – I KNOW I’ve seen it, several times.”

There was laughter. “Really? Does it actually look blue?”

“Yes, a pale blue… kind of pretty, in fact.”

“Be still my heart… Izzy, do you have feelings for a ghost?”

“Of course not! That would be silly. A ghost is only an apparition, a shadow. It has no substance.”

“You seem to know a lot about them.”

“That’s because I read, you idiot. Something you might want to think about trying.”

“Maybe that’s your problem… you read too many weird books about ghosts and… and all that paranormal stuff. I prefer movies, though I do have a few recorded books.”

“There’s just no substitute for curling up on the sofa with an honest-to-goodness printed book. You really should try it.”

“I’ll put it on my bucket list. Okay?”

“There are movies, documentaries and television shows about the paranormal, if you prefer visual information over printed.”

“Don’t even think about it, Izzy. Now, tell me more about this Blue Moon Ghost of yours.”

“I first heard about it from Grandma Morey when I was about ten or eleven. She was a descendant of gypsies and she saw it often.”

“Your grandmother was a gypsy?”

“Her mother’s mother was a gypsy. She had ESP apparently. She heard and saw things that nobody else could.”

More laughter. “So do many people who are stoned or drunk, or so I’ve heard. It’s called hallucinating.”

“Anyway, this ESP thing is said to be handed down through the female line of Grandma Morey’s family.”

“I see. Do you think you have it?”

“Possibly… maybe… I don’t know. Anyway, I saw the Blue Moon Ghost… in my backyard… standing there and looking at my living room window.”

“Well, if that’s all it was doing, there’s nothing to worry about, is there?”

“But that’s not all it’s doing… It’s watching me. I know, because I can feel it.”

“What kind of a feeling is that? Is it creepy?”

“You know how sometimes the hair on the back of your neck stands up, and you know someone is watching you? It feels like that… except, it’s more than that.”

“What do you mean by more?”

“Sometimes I get this weird feeling, like someone is standing next to me, or behind me… like he or she is trying to tell me something.”

MORE pages to follow: click the page numbers below!

Blue ghost between trees

Now retired, after 39 years as a Librarian, Fay Herridge is a voracious reader, avid family historian, and a love of writing. She also enjoys walking, gardening, knitting, crocheting and photography; and is active in church and community events. Her poems and stories have been published in newspapers and magazines. “Satisfaction comes when others enjoy my work while inspiration comes from anywhere and everywhere.”
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