2. Divine Diva Duped

While starting the car I suggested that I go around the block to the RCMP office and the voice asked what the RCMP was. That question truly singed his goose. I explained that they were the police. In a truly exhausted voice, he again told me I could trust nobody and added he’d call back Monday. He terminated the call! I had never heard of a fraudster terminating a call with a victim. Playtime was over and the cat was now the mouse, an exhausted one at that. I was now the fully fledged cat! Feeling rather exhilarated, I went around the block to the RCMP office. It was closed so I went home and immediately installed a malware detector on my computer and changed my passwords. At 3PM, I returned to the bank to freeze the account, get a new bank card number and file a fraud attempt.

Monday rolled around and a couple calls came in from strange and exotic places. They rang only a couple of times in a half-hearted attempt to connect. They were left unanswered. Mid-morning when I reported the fraud to the police, it was suggested that I share my experience on a personal level to all in sundry. It was mentioned that people seem to relate easier and learned better from other people’s experiences more so than they did from police bulletins, etc.

And so, I share my story in hope that you all, including those of more vintage years who sometimes think they immune to these things, will take my account to heart, become aware that fraud happens regardless of age, gender, social status and take seriously the advice to be prepared and protected.

Through this experience I learned to be more empathic to people who have been abused by fraud. It taught me that I am not immune to being victimized, that I am far too naïve and I need to be aware and prepared for the realities of the real world. Regardless, I still love wearing my rose-coloured glasses as they allow me time to see a kinder and more beautiful world.

The Divine Divas read this, circled round and commiserated with me. I expect there was a tad of sympathy for ‘the voice’. They know me well.


The End

Laptop with "scam alert" on the screen

Carol is a mother, grandmother and great grandmother who was born in Victoria, BC and over the years, lived in many places in her beloved province of BC. She had the very good fortune of teaching ESL in China - a most wonderful experience. Her writing skills were acquired when writing term papers, which she did well. Since then, she has had a poem published in the US Congress Library, various research papers on various topics published locally, as well as a couple of short humourous essays. She currently resides with her partner in the small seaside town of Chemainus.
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