18. A Terrifying Visit to Wankie Game Reserve

Soon after our arrival in the Reserve, we saw our first wild animal, an experience that I, for one, will never forget. I was beyond frightened! Now that I am so much older, it seems ridiculous to admit to the sheer terror I experienced when I was a child of 10. I can’t claim that we saw a pride of marauding lions, nor a herd of elephants, but for me it was terrifying, nonetheless. It was an ostrich (yes, an ostrich!) and I in the back seat of the car could not stop screaming, as this enormous bird-like creature with its long legs sped along the dusty road, mere inches from the side of the car (and me!), keeping pace with the speed at which my father was driving. I screamed and screamed, begging my father to go faster, which was strictly forbidden, of course. I was so petrified by this huge creature, towering over the roof of the car, a bird that was able to run as fast as a vehicle. I was immensely relieved when the ostrich veered off the road to the left, heading into the long grass around us. I have never forgotten this incident. I learned later that the African ostrich, at up to 10ft. in height, can not only kick viciously, but can run for at least 30 minutes non-stop, at 45 miles per hour. I know this from experience, too.

Our trip, however, went from bad to worse, to my mind, at least. I shrank in the back seat, not in the least happy when my parents pointed out in the distance lions and lionesses, elephants, hyenas, giraffes, and zebras. I wasn’t excited by such sightings. I simply wanted to go home. I couldn’t do that, though, so I had to tough it out with my two younger brothers, who weren’t reacting like I was, I must admit.

So, we made it to our first rest camp. I was so happy, although I realized that we were still surrounded by wildlife and had two more days to endure. At least, there was a fence around the camp, and there were armed patrolling wardens. Our rooms were rustic, but clean, with simple beds from which hung the very necessary mosquito nets, protection against malaria-causing mosquitoes. The nets were vital, since tsetse fly which caused “sleeping sickness”, was always a dangerous possibility, too.

The next morning, we set off again, across the dusty corrugated roads, for another long day inside that small car, with the windows tightly closed, and with my father driving. We were bumping along when my father noticed that that the engine was overheating, and that steam was coming out from under the bonnet (hood). He stopped the car immediately, as we watched the plumes of steam continue to rise. Oh, no! What had just happened? My heart was beating faster and faster, as my anxiety mounted. I could see a huge herd of wildebeest, to our right, but, fortunately, far enough away not to be bothered by us, and so not too frightening for me. However, my father not knowing what was wrong with the car, said he would have to get out to look at the engine. I was scared then. I knew that no-one was allowed to leave a vehicle, and here was my father preparing to go outside, with no means of escape if the car refused to start. I wanted him to stay inside and wait for the wardens to rescue us. My father, however, was not prepared to remain seated with our family in that car, in the sun, waiting for an occasional warden to happen by.

MORE pages to follow: click the page numbers below!
Susan is a retired high school teacher of French. She was born in England, but has lived in several countries, including Zimbabwe, France, England, and now, since 1987, in Ottawa, Canada. She is married to an aerospace engineer (retired). Susan has never written before, so this is a new venture on which she is embarking. She would like to write her memoir, to leave as a legacy for her children and grandchildren.
One Response
  1. author

    Ed Janzen2 years ago

    Yes Susan. I’m with you there.
    Even a domestic park like Lion Country Safarie can scare a kid.
    Monkeys who want to strip away the rubber trim of a car or break off the aerial
    don’t interest me.


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